“You just have to have self belief and keep taking steps towards that end goal ..and you will get there” - Dave Genat
This guy’s life resume is crazy.
Dave Genat is a highly successful model, actor, the winner of Australian Survivor All Stars, television host, podcaster, producer PLUS he is also just a (very handsome) fountain of inspiration.
I have listened to this chat a billion times already. Dave has had such an interesting journey and he has got such a beautiful take on life.
In this conversation we cover the lifestyle of an international model, mindset, morning routines, diet, exercise, set backs, rejection, beauty, body image, discipline, visualisation, how to go all in on your dreams and so much MORE!!!
01’23 - Best part / worst part of Survivor
02’53 - EXPERT TIPS: What Dave would smuggle into the jungle
04’39 - Search for a Supermodel 2002
10’00 - Default winner Ford Search for a Supermodel
11’20 - Life as a model overseas
12’51 - Dealing with rejection as a model
14’24 - Framing rejection
15’43 - Finding his way in the industry
17’00 - His $38,000 early win!
18’03 - Most incredible shoot
18’44 - Dave’s fav shoot - Face of Mont Blanc
21’59 - Ambo’s photoshoot nightmare
24’46 - Beauty in the modelling industry
26’11 - Dave’s advice on body image
27’47 - Body and mind by Dave
30:15 - Mindfulness by Dave
31’40 - Dave’s TV adventures
34’04 - Dave advice for obstacles
36’02 - Manifesting x Dave