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If I could build a time machine I would travel straight back to the year 2013, when my hair was slightly longer and I hosted this incredible children's television show called Wacky World Beaters!


Fun and entertaining

Created fun and entertaining content for kids

Factual and Informative

The show was filled with fun, inspiring, factual and informative segments

Make people smile

The series aim to make people laugh and smile

​My role as a host on Wacky World Beaters (WWB),  involved me flying around the globe and competing in all sorts of extreme sports.

WWB was an action-adventure, extreme sports travel show for kids that aired on ABCme. The show sold around the world and (most importantly) ticked off every item on my bucket list!

  • Client: ABC TV

  • Location: Worldwide

  • Year: 2013

  • ABC TV

Australian children's television host Amberley Lobo on Location in Japan for Wacky World Beaters


Wacky World Beaters followed a set formula for each episode, we would go to a country, check out their local culture, commence some (very) alternative training for the event we would be participating in and then have to compete in the event on the world stage! It was by my definition the ‘dream job’.


In my time on the show we participated in so many different events including the World Air Guitar Championships, The Belgium Pumpkin Regatta, The Birdman Rally, Bog Snorkelling, The World Dog Grooming Championships and even the Taiwanese Creative Bike Race. I walked away from that series with a tonne of participation medals and perhaps my greatest achievement in life - being crowned the runner-up of the Nagasaki Speed Eating World Championships!

If you're interested in learning more about how I can help you with producing some incredible content, get in touch with me via my contact page here.


If you would like to chat about your next project or just check out my incredible loud t-shirt collection hit me up!



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